+49 5461 7089089

Cenibra GmbH

Since 2010 ...

... Cenibra has been serving research and development organizations in the life sciences.

Together with our suppliers and development partners we stand for the looking at cells cell microscopy portfolio and the looking at layers product line for biophysical tools, furthermore Cenibra BDS offers special business development and project services. Besides technical synergies, all these imply dedicated high level support for high quality results.

Please use our website for a first impression of the possibilities we can only hint at in the format of a website. Your research is typically complex, so in most cases there is no way around a detailed analysis of your needs and the possible solutions, and that's what we are here for. Let's talk!

And if you are already using our equipment and need consumables for your research, our web store may be just what you need for quick and easy ordering.

We look forward to working with you.

Your CENiBRA life science solutions team


Our Experts

Team Michael Expert and Senior Product Specialist for Yokogawa CQ1 - Confocal Imaging Cytometer
Michael Schell
Senior Product Specialist

Specific Expertise:
Yokogawa CQ1
Celigo, Cellaca, Cellometer

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Team Anja Expert for Cellaca, Cellometer, InCellis, Imaging Cytometry and Cell Counting
Anja Restle
Product Specialist

Specific Expertise:
Cellaca, Cellometer
Holomonitor M4

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Jonas Schäfer
Product Specialist

Specific Expertise:

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Lisa Mettler
Technical Support




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Thomas Meyer
Product Specialist




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