+49 5461 7089089







The looking at cells Roadshow 2022

What does modern microscopy and cell analysis look like?

Experience it directly on your site! During the looking at cells Roadshow our cell imaging experts will come to your lab and show you high-quality solutions for cell counting, as well as morphology and movement analyses at single cell and population level.

Experience innovative solutions live and at your fingertips. Make an appointment now.

HoloMonitor M4 - Holographic 3D Live Cell Imaging

HoloMonitor is a time-lapse cytometer for label-free in vitro live cell imaging and analysis, directly in your incubator.

HoloMonitor is used by scientists all over the world to study the life cycle and behavior of living - well, or dying - cells, under physiologically optimal conditions. No stains needed.

The employed technique, holographic microscopy, is cell-friendly, fast and simple to use, offering unique imaging capabilities for live-cell kinetic investigations, at both single-cell and cell-population levels.

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Cell QC Assay 3D Live Cell Imaging

Cell QC Assay

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Dose Response Assay 3D Live Cell Imaging

Dose Response Assay

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Spatial Cell Tracking 3D Live Cell Imaging

Spatial Cell Tracking

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Zellzählung 3D Live Cell Imaging

Cell Counter

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Cell Motility Assay 3D Live Cell Imaging

Cell Motility Assay

Holographic Cytometry Applications Kinetic Morphology 3D Live Cell Imaging

Kinetic Morphology

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Cell Proliferation Assay 3D Live Cell Imaging

Cell Proliferation Assay

Holographic Cytometry Anwendungen Woundhealing 3D Live Cell Imaging

Wound Healing Assay

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment for the roadshow

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Was ist die Summe aus 6 und 8?

Our Experts

Team Anja Expertin für Cellaca, Cellometer, InCellis, Bildgebende Zytometrie und Zellzählung
Anja Restle
Product Specialist

Cellaca, Cellometer
Holomonitor M4

Get in touch





HoloMonitor M4

Label Free Holographic Cytometry

with the HoloMonitor M4!

Looking at Cells

Check out our Looking-at-Cells
Portfolio to find out about our
other technologies for cell analytics.

The LAL Roadshow

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Multiparametric SPR?
Check out the LAL Roadshow.