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A Testimonial on the LAC Young Scientist Imaging Assay Jumpstarter Contest

von Réka Enz

Elevating Research

Participating in the LAC Young Scientist Imaging Assay Jumpstarter Contest and securing third place was a transformative experience for our team.

The journey began even before the announcement, with Dr. Michael Schell reaching out to discuss the feasibility and experimental setup of our project. His expertise and thorough approach allowed us to refine our ideas and prepared us for what was to come.

Upon hearing the news of our victory, our joy knew no bounds. The efficient organization and support from Michael and the entire team at Cenibra made the process seamless. They were instrumental in ensuring we had everything prepared, including specifics like gas for live-cell imaging. Their guidance made a complex process understandable, even to those of us with limited experience in confocal microscopy.

The arrival of the CQ1 confocal microscope at our institute marked the beginning of an exciting chapter. Michael, along with Dr. Thomas Meyer, not only delivered this advanced tool but also went above and beyond to install it right next to our cell culture bench. Despite the logistical challenges of our historic building, they ensured the microscope was perfectly set up. Their dedication to creating a customized imaging protocol enabled us to visualize our novel brain cancer models in unprecedented detail, offering insights into cellular dynamics that were previously inaccessible.

Throughout the experiment, Cenibra's support continued, ensuring we were never left to figure things out on our own. Their commitment to our success was evident in their willingness to provide assistance whenever needed. Following the completion of our experiments, they returned not just to collect the equipment but also to guide us through data evaluation, highlighting their exceptional support system.

This experience has been nothing short of remarkable, thanks to the technical brilliance of the CQ1 and the unparalleled support from the entire Cenibra team. Their dedication has not only advanced our research but has also set a new standard for support and collaboration.

I highly recommend the CQ1 for anyone facing imaging challenges in biological systems and encourage participation in the LAC Young Scientist Imaging Assay Jumpstarter Contest. A heartfelt thank you to Michael, Thomas, and the Cenibra team for this outstanding opportunity and support. We look forward to our continued collaboration and the publication of our research findings.

Author: Anna Wolfram, Joint PhD Candidate, Georg-Speyer-Haus & University of Tübingen


Editor's note: We would like to thank Anna for writing this outstanding testimonial. It was a pleasure working with you on this exciting project. For anyone who is interested in participating in the Jumpstarter contest to accellerate their cell research, please have a look here.

